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Jun 2, 2014 3:10 PM

Check out InfoComm University’s Three-day Networking Courses

June 15-June 16, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Networking Technology

What it is: A core knowledge class is for all AV professionals. It teaches the basics of information technology and IP networking. Youâ??ll learn to troubleshoot the network that supports your AV system. Section tests help confirm understanding while interactive content and exercises increase learning retention. Labs allow you to explore networking concepts on your own computer to see how they work.

  • Learn the basics of networking from an AV perspective.
  • Review how to discuss AV network requirements with your IT stakeholders.
  • Compare and contrast the most common network-based AV transmission protocols.
  • Interpret IP addresses and subnets.
  • Identify network security threats and countermeasures.
  • Use common network diagnostic tools and perform basic network troubleshooting.

Prerequisites: None

RUs: 24

Networked AV Systems

What it is: Networked AV Systems is a blend of AV and IT technologies. This course discusses the approaches and needs for AV and IT personnel. At the conclusion of the course, you will have the background and vocabulary to discuss with your IT team why a piece of gear should or should not be on the network.

  • Explore the impact of audiovisual applications on enterprise networks.
  • Discover client needs for networked systems, trade-offs between quality and bandwidth, and how to navigate conflicts between network policies and customer demands.
  • Get the background you need to cross the AV/IT cultural divide and specify devices for enterprise networks.
  • Learn how to agree upon, document, and stick to shared expectations for networked systems.
  • Discuss remote monitoring and management, streaming, conferencing and other software applications.

Prerequisites: Students should have a CTS(R)-level understanding of AV technologies and design principles and a CompTIA Network, plus level understanding of networking technologies and design principles. You can take the free 40-question pre-test to see if youâ??re ready for this class.

RUs: 24

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