Enhanced Distance Learning
Sep 8, 2014 8:24 PM
During a major expansion of its distance learning services, Indiana University deployed Pexip’s Infinity Virtual Auditorium as part of its meeting platform. Entirely software-based, the solution allows campuses to provided virtual classrooms where instructors and students can meet without the need to add any custom hardware to existing IT infrastructures.
“The Pexip Infinity platform provides videoconferencing capabilities to over 135,000 students, faculty, and staff across our university’s eight campuses,” says James McGookey, manager of collaboration technologies at Indiana University. “As a result, IU now hosts one of the largest realtime collaboration installations in the United States, connecting people around the world to over 175 live courses.
Infinity Virtual Auditorium automatically toggles between speakers, shows students raising questions, and allows participants to share content easily. Students simply open their Web browser or use any SIP/H.323 video client software, enter the address of the Virtual Auditorium, and gain immediate access to the lecture. Sessions are also viewed in high definition to provide immersive, high-quality experiences to participants unable to be present within the classroom.
With the ability to transcode between nearly any codec and standard, the platform allows lecturers and students to connect without the need for any support-staff interventions, which lowers both maintenance costs and lecture interruptions.
Pexip Infinity Virtual Auditorium
Developed specifically for education and large-scale remote learning, the Pexip Infinity Virtual Auditorium gives the lecturer full control over the student experience; students may view either the lecturer only or the lecturer plus other students. Using a subscription-based model, the platform offers one-to-many or many-to-many modes; two-way dialogs in high definition technology agnostic—use with any standard endpoint, including Microsoft Lync and WebRTC compatible Web browsers with no need for plug-ins; and can engage many students simultaneously.