December 1997
Kevin Gross, senior engineer for Peak Audio, Boulder, CO, was not appropriately credited as a co-author for the article “CobraNet Technology,” which ran…
Iron Rule #9
Ron Davis
Iron Rule #9: Sometimes you can stumble on a good idea. And successful entrepreneurs always have their idea antennae out by always looking and always…
Of change
Ted Uzzle
Change comes to all things, so it necessarily comes to S&VC magazine. Permit me to introduce the new editor. His name is Nat Hecht. He comes from Newton,…
Selling in the next Millennium: As we approach the threshold of the nextmillennium, the changes in American business already in place foretell ofthe changes to come.
Ted Tate
Thanks to the invention of the computer chips that power so much in our society, new ideas and inventions are coming on line at a dizzying rate. I believe…
How to Design and Build an Audio Network with Products that UtilizeCobraNet Technology
Kevin Gross and Richard Zwiebel
Audio Networks have been a very hot topic lately. Several manufacturers have either announced, or introduced networkable audio products. Specifications…
CEDIA 1997: Electronic Lifestyles Awards for Manufacturers Excellence
Congratulations to the 1997 winners of the Electronic Lifestyles Awards presented at the CEDIA Conference & Expo held in Atlanta this past September.Best…
How to distribute multiroom sound
Bob Heil
There are several methods of providing audio in various rooms of the house. Some get expensive and complicated, but for most applications a simple, high-quality…
Journey through acoustics
Ted Uzzle
John W. Kopec, The Sabines of Riverbank, Their Role in the Science of Architectural Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 1997, xvi + 212, cloth.It’s…
Documenting your business
Fred S. Steingold
It’s human nature to resist paperwork. If you resist too strongly, however, you may miss out on opportunities to:* safeguard your business and personal…
Where is it headed? Watch and see…
Nat Hecht
To say that I am excited in becoming the newest editor at Sound & Video Contractor would be an understatement. I began reading the publication at its…
Staying locked on
Never in history has humanity made such rapid technological progress as it has within the scope of this century. The last 97 years have fostered advances…
Advanced Instrumentation and Digital Multi-Processing: A learning experience
John Murray
At the fall 1992 AES convention in San Francisco, TOA demonstrated the remote control of the first DSP-based real-time signal processor in our industry,…
New directions in taxes
Milton Zall
New legislation already enacted into law will affect many private taxpayers. But how will it affect small-business owners, especially those in the sound…
Why Use DSP?: An introductory course in DSP system design
David Skolnick and Noam Levine
Having heard a lot about digital signal processing (DSP) technology, you may have wanted to find out what can be done with DSP, investigate why DSP is…
Security systems of the future
Howard E. Friedman
A security system that senses one’s evil intentions and sounds an alarm? Possible? Not so far, of course, but who knows what the future has in store for…
The magic picture show: An overview of current and emerging video projectortechnology
Peter H. Putman
It used to be that choosing a video projector was a pretty cut-and-dry job. You either picked a three-gun CRT, a three-gun CRT or a three-gun CRT. About…