Industry Mourns Loss of Former Sennheiser President
Mar 2, 2004 12:00 PM
Andrew Brakhan, former president and chief executive officer ofSennheiser Electronic Corp. (SEC;, died recently at his home inTruro, Massachusetts.
Brakhan was the second chief executive in the company’s history,joining the company in 1985. He led SEC as president from 1989 through1998 and continued to serve the company after his retirement asconsultant through 2003.
In 1987 Brakhan moved the company to its present headquarters in OldLyme, Connecticut, from its previous offices in New York City. From itsnew base, SEC opened new markets; expanded distribution for Sennheiserproducts in the United States, Mexico, and South America; andsolidified the role of Sennheiser’s technology in electroacoustics andwireless applications.
In 1991 Brakhan played a key role in acquiring Neumann Microphonesand paving the way for distribution of other brands. Today brands suchas InnovaSon digital consoles, True Systems preamplifiers, HHBCommunications, and Turbosound loudspeakers are testimony to theBrakhan legacy.
Brakhan was also instrumental in introducing Sennheiser wirelessmicrophone systems into the U.S. market, helping them gain acceptanceamong professional sound designers from Broadway to broadcast. Hisdedication to wireless RF technology paved the way for the company togarner the Emmy Award in 1996 for Outstanding Achievement in theSciences of Television Technology.
Constantly asking the market for input regarding future productdevelopment and working closely with Prof. Dr. Jörg Sennheiser,Brakhan led SEC into the installation marketplace and played animportant role in the worldwide launch of the Evolution wired andwireless microphone lines.
Sennheiser president John Falcone says that Brakhan will best beremembered for his loyalty and commitment to the people around him.”Andrew will be remembered for many things,” Falcone says. “He laid thefoundation for the great company in which we all now work. Prior tojoining the Sennheiser team, he was well respected and very successfulin the pro-audio world with positions in Philips and AKG. Andrew’slegacy in the pro-audio world is a great one. But more than that,Andrew will be remembered for his quick wit and sharp mind, his loyaltyand his willingness to always lend a helping hand, whether it be to hiscolleagues, his neighbors, his family, or his friends. He was alwaysthere for anyone who knew him and for many who were only passingacquaintances.” Brakhan is survived by his children, Naomi andMarcus.