A moment for yourself
Oct 1, 1998 12:00 PM,
Jared Blankeship
As a small business owner or personnel supervisor in the modern businesscommunity, it is quite easy to forget to set some time aside forself-enrichment. Clients clamor for attention. Equipment does not performas expected. The hotel cancels your reservation. Supplies arrive late at aninstallation site, perhaps not at all. With the possibility for anythingand everything to go wrong on a given day, it is understandable how anindividual fulfilling a managerial role within a company-small orlarge-might not have enough contiguous free time available to sharpen hisskills.
Fortunately, there are ways to learn more about management without havingto spend a fixed amount of time in a classroom and away from your company.In this month’s issue of S&VC, we focus on some specific yet essentialaspects of managing in the systems contracting industry. Bringing suchissues to crystal clarity as time management, employee hiring and retentionand handling employee substance abuse, we offer the opportunity for you torefine your expertise purely at your convenience. Go ahead and answer yourclients’ calls. Find replacement equipment. Make new hotel reservations.Locate the lost installation supplies. In between those things, in thosetiny pinpricks of calm and lucidity, you can now take some time foryourself.