October 1997
Bogen acquires NEAR Bogen Communications, Ramsey, NJ, has acquired New England Audio Resource (NEAR), Lewiston, ME, a manufacturer of weatherproof loudspeakers….
What’s New
Meetings Sound-system seminars: Synergetic Audio Concepts has announced its 1998 seminars. There will be seminars in February 1998 in Orange, CA, in March…
Connectors: Neutrik Originally introduced as the Z series, the EaZyCon connectors are from Neutrik. They come standard gold plated and are available in…
Security Trends
Wireless Technology and security systems: With new advances in wirelesstechnology, what was once thought to be impossible is often affordable andright at hand.
Howard E. Friedman
Last August, the third article of our security technology series introduced the components in wireless subsystems, consisting of several transmitters…
Pop quiz: Avoid the unexpected in sales negotiations by familiarizingyourself with these common tactics.
Ted Tate
Of all the questions people ask me, situations involved with customers and prospects heads the list of topics. This article is devoted to negotiating…
Writing the Report: Do the research necessary to create the perfect cashflow machine.
Alan Kruglak
When we first started selling service agreements or contracts in 1980, all of our service work was performed on an hourly time-and-materials basis, just…
CobraNet Technology: Many of today’s audio systems are limited by theircomplex structure. A true audio network can greatly reduce those problems.
Rich Zwiebel
Audio systems have grown significantly more ad-vanced in recent years. Larger systems, which may include a substantial amount of digital sig-nal processing,…
To Solder or not to solder:
Glen Ballou
We have all heard the adage that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Certainly, none of us, I hope, would stand under a 500 pound loudspeaker…
Raising Money for your business
Fred S. Steingold
To succeed in business, you need money not only to get started, but also to expand and to ride out occasional periods when your cash flow may be down.When…
Legal Checklist for buying a building
Fred S. Steingold
Murphy said it best: “If something can go wrong, it will go wrong!” Murphy’s Law applies with full force when a business purchases a building. And, sad…
Iron Rule #8: Allow inspired ideas to settle overnight before deciding totake action.
Ron Davis
Anxiety. Frustration. Enthusiasm. High energy. Elation. Anger. All of these words evoke an emotion. When they are experienced, however, they can create…
a short course in Contracting Management
At varying degrees of frequency, anyone in the contracting business could be faced with making managerial decisions. Some contractors, armed with the…
The Alpha to Omega on power amps
Bob Bushnell
High Performance Audio Power Amplifiers, by Ben Duncan, published by Newnes, an imprint of Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., 1996; 1,462 pp., hard cover, $56.95.In…
It all begins with Enrollment: Take this first step into the world ofeffective management by learning how to field an efficient and motivatedsales force.
Ted Tate
A few days ago, I spoke with a sales manager for a large contractor located on the East coast. “We want to motivate our people,” he said. “We want your…
Final Exam: When interviewing an applicant for a position in your company,knowing the proper questions to ask will not only save valuable time, butit will also help you make the right hiring decision.
Richard G. Ensman, Jr.
Hiring decisions are among the most important business decisions you’ll ever make. And in the hiring process, nothing is more crucial than the employment…
Project Management 104: With this basic course, develop (or hone) theskills necessary to managing a sucessful project – from inception tocompletion.
Mark A. Schnell
In today’s competitive marketplace, proper project management is essential to maintaining the existing customer base and spawning new growth opportunities….