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Q&A: Image Quality

What will have the most impact on the quality of a projected image: ambient light conditions, lens type, screen material, the light engine itself, or something else?

Q&A: Image Quality

What will have the most impact on the quality of a projected image: ambient light conditions, lens type, screen material, the light engine itself, or something else?

Q: What will have the most impact on the quality of a projected image: ambient light conditions, lens type, screen material, the light engine itself, or something else?

A: All of these impact image quality, but lens quality generally has the greatest effect. With lower quality optics, you may see color fringing, pincushioned images, and uneven focus across the image. Ambient light levels primarily impact image contrast, and screen material usually affects viewing angles and gain.

—Pete Putman, Roam Consulting

Next Month’s Question:

Our church has a fairly large sanctuary (seats 1,500), and we have a large sound system that reinforces a fully electronic Christian-rock praise band. I’m told by an acoustical consultant that we have a “power alley” problem. What does that mean and how can we fix it?

Send your responses to If you have a question you’d like your AV colleagues to answer, send it to the same e-mail account. If we use your question, we’ll send you a coolPro AVgift.

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