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SMPTE and DPP Partner to Develop an IMF Specification

SMPTE will be working together with the Digital Production Partnership (DPP) on a joint pilot specification project to create an Interoperable Master Format (IMF) specification for broadcast and online. SMPTE ST 2067, or IMF, is a global standard for the file-based interchange of multiversion, finished audiovisual works. The joint pilot project will deliver a technical specification for IMF in broadcast and online applications as a breakdown of different elements—video and audio packages, composition playlists (CPLs), and output profile lists (OPLs)—with references to all relevant SMPTE standards. Once complete, this material will be made available to manufacturers so that they can design and build readers, writers, and analyzers. The draft and final proposal stages will move forward in conjunction with a series of plugfests and product tests. The final publication of the IMF specification is expected to take place before the 2018 NAB Show.

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