Jan 1, 2001 12:00 PM,
Nathaniel Hecht, Editor
A number of months ago I wrote about the overlap of relatedindustry trade shows, both domestic and abroad, particularly theoverlap this year of the NSCA show in Orlando with the Musikmessein Frankfurt (and although I didn’t mention it at the time, ShoWestin Las Vegas). Conflicting trade show dates are a problem for allof us. Manufacturers are forced to spend thousands of dollars onmultiple booths and on personnel to attend these overlapping shows.And many of the smaller companies simply don’t have the money orstaff to handle two shows at once, so they have to pick one andtake their chances. Attendees are short-changed by thesearrangements if they have specialties in more than one area, whichtoday is more the norm than the exception. We of the Press are alsoburdened, as we can only cover so much ground.
We live in a world of technological convergence. The linesbetween traditionally different segments are becoming more blurry.It is this convergence of technologies and markets that drivesbusiness to greater and greater heights and is the reason we allmust remind the trade organizations sponsoring these shows howimportant it is to keep their dates free of conflicts.
It is in that spirit that the NSCA has announced the dates andlocations of its show through 2004. We are publishing them here inthe hope that we can start the ball rolling for cross-industrycooperation in scheduling events. The dates are as follows:
Musikmesse has its dates for 2002 set, March 13-17, and it doesnot conflict with either NSCA or ShoWest. ShoWest 2002 and 2003dates are only tentative, but they do not conflict with the NSCAshow. They fall on March 4-7 and March 3-6 respectively.
As advance dates for other shows become available, we will alertyou to them in S&VC. The new online calendar section on ournewly revamped Web site at SVCONLINE.COM is another great place toview these dates. While you are checking out the site, I’m sure youwill notice our new look and more than a few changes. One of ournewest features is a mini “archive” section displayingthe past six months of S&VC articles for your reference. Thesite will be changing and growing constantly, so keep an eye on itfor more interesting and useful information.
Changing gears a bit, I’d like to take this opportunity towelcome another new name on the masthead, our new Art DirectorBrett Kocher. Brett joins us most recently from The Recorder, SanFrancisco’s premier daily legal newspaper, where he held theposition of graphic designer. Welcome aboard!
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