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NFL reopening: 2020 set to start on time

Good Morning America reports how Miami is planning to make Hard Rock Stadium safe

NFL reopening is full steam ahead (with contingency plans). Good Morning America takes a look at how Hard Rock Stadium is preparing.


Picture this:

And this

nfl reopening

And maybe this:

Diversified will once again be able to show off the networked audio system they built for the stadium three years ago, even if at first the acoustics will be a bit different (15,000 fans don’t absorb nearly the reverb as 65,000 but it would be a start).

WATCH: China is building world’s largest stadium

MLB has a bunch of ideas for summer; will any of them work?

Stadium retrofits will have to make many adjustments that go beyond capacity limits and how people get through the door. When arenas and stadiums reopen, fan standards will have changed. Fans will have a heightened sense of awareness for all things hygiene and germ related, even if not related to coronavirus. Matt O’Neil, CEO of Ichi Go, a content, branding and marketing agency based in New York was quoted in Forbes with some musings.

  1. Preparation: Can you half-wrap hot dogs so fans hold them without touching?  What else can be done to different foods to help?
  2. Condiments: Condiment areas are like Petri dishes for germs. Should all condiments be individually packaged?
  3. Gloves: Will you offer gloves with meals? Or distribute them at the gate?
  4. Payment: People won’t want to sign for anything with a public pen. A credit card should be enough. Set up a tap-and-go payment solution.
  5. Ordering: Staff should physically touch as few things, and people, as possible. Facilitate online-ordering for concessions. Fans can come by to pick it up. Same for merchandise.
  6. Process: Ushers shouldn’t grab people’s tickets to check them. What about passing out programs or giveaways? Autographs?
  7. Staff Apparel: Are staff wearing masks and gloves? Downside: Wearing a mask in a loud arena will be brutal on hearing and understanding.
  8. Staff Testing: Will all staff be tested and certified? How can you best publicize that (viz., HIPAA)?
  9. Restrooms: All automatic faucets and flushing are a must. What about hand-drying methods? Some blowers are germ spreaders. What else should be done for public restrooms?
  10. Delivery: Exchanging or passing cash down rows is definitely out. What do hawkers do now? Where do they go? How do they sell? Is that eliminated?

QR codes and no-touch touchscreens and signage are likely going to accelerate in response to the types of mundane concerns he enumerates. As will ordering from your seat and being alerted for pickup (or sent via delivery). These suggestions also remind us that people people will want protects from things that are and are not problematic–for example if a server touches their face or sneezes into a glove it’s the same as a hand…but fans may still want gloves. Masks may do more to help, or not. The need, as always, is to meet fan expectation and perception. Just looking over these questions, is a brainstorm for other issues–where will AV be needed to help recreate the stadium and the beyond-stadium experience?

WHY THIS MATTERS: You can see how every tiny aspect of fan experience and logistics needs another look. Some of that is ripe for AV solutions. -Cynthia Wisehart

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