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MultiDyne Mini eXchange Series

Includes converters that feature a small, flat form factor that facilitates easy installation

MultiDyne’s Mini eXchange series includes converters that feature a small, flat form factor that facilitates easy installation behind a monitor, in the back of a rack, or directly on a camera rig. Each MultiDyneAV module is dedicated to a specific application, with the first models supporting HD-SDI-to-HDMI and HDMI-to-SDI conversion. Broadcasters typically employ the mini converters on set and throughout their facilities to use low-cost, commercial off-the-shelf flatscreen HD monitors and videowalls. On a movie set, the Mini eXchange Series can be used to convert SDI signals to HDMI, enabling users to preview what the camera is seeing. In addition, the converters can be utilized to display HDMI signals from a computer on a low-cost monitor. The new MultiDyneAV Mini eXchange Series boxes have already found a home in many such applications.

Availability: Shipping

Price: $200

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