Sony Electronics announced the VPL W5000ES, a 5,000-lumen 4K SXRDTM laser-light-source projector. According to the company, Sony’s new reference-quality unit is the first projector designed specifically for home cinema use that features 4K resolution powered by a laser light engine that provides 5,000 lumens of brightness, is compatible with High Dynamic Range (HDR), emulates the new BT.2020 color gamut, and covers the full DCI color space. Sony’s Advanced Motionflow feature reduces blur and maintains brightness, and the fast imagers allow viewing of fast action content such as sporting events, even with 4K signals. Along with HDR and BT.2020 capabilities, the VPL-VW5000ES also includes an HDMI input that is HDCP 2.2 compatible. That same input has enough bandwidth to accept 4K 60p signals up to YCbCr 4:4:4 8bit or YCbCr 4:2:2 12-bit. The unit ships with a standard powered lens with a zoom ratio from 1.27 to 2.73:1 and lens shift capability of +/- 80 percent vertical and +/- 31 percent horizontal.
Pricing: $60,000
Shipping: Spring 2016