New York, NY, July 10, 2014 — The AES 55th International Conference, focusing on Spatial Audio, is set to take place August 27-29, 2014, at the Helsinki Music Centre in Helsinki, Finland. Registration is open for this multi-day conference, which will bring together researchers and practitioners from all aspects of spatial audio, including recording and reproduction, perception, transmission, coding and more. Dedicated workshops will give a cutting-edge view of the practical implementation of spatial audio in applications such as broadcasting, game audio and the recording industry. Conference chairperson for this event is Lauri Savioja, along with Technical Program chair Ville Pulkki, Paper chair Tapio Lokki, and Workshop chairs Kalev Tiits and Florian Camerer. Conference sponsors are Aalto University, Genelec, Neumann, Nokia and the Sibelius Academy.
Spatial Audio – one of the largest research topics in the field of audio – has taken on ever-increasing importance and interest for both the professional and consumer audio markets. The 55th Conference will address the fundamental production and reproduction issues of multichannel audio systems, as well as techniques for creating and controlling multidirectional perceptions through headphones and loudspeakers.
The conference kicks off on Wednesday with an opening presentation titled “The Adventure of Spatial Sound Reproduction” given by chairperson Sascha Spors, which will be followed by three days of workshops, posters, papers and tutorials on Spatial Audio-related topics. Each day will offer up a variety of events on spatial sound techniques, engineering and psychoacoustics. Topics will include Sound Field Capture with Microphone Arrays and Proximity Microphones; Decoding of High Order Ambisonics; Sound Field Reproduction of Vibroacoustic Models; Immersive Multi-party Conferencing Systems; Evaluation of Sound Field Synthesis Techniques; and more. Additional events include a pre-conference tutorial entitled “Psychoacoustics and Technologies of Spatial Sound” given by Ville Pulkki and other spatial audio demonstrations at Aalto University, as well as a Thursday evening AES banquet in downtown Helsinki.
“Spatial Audio and its realized potentials have become hot topics at our conventions and conferences for several years now, and continue to grow,” states AES Executive Director Bob Moses. “With the increased challenges and opportunities brought about with ever-changing immersive audio products and entertainment, we continue to explore and set the standards, through conferences such as these, that will dictate production rules of audio perception for future generations. We are very excited to see what comes out of this conference as we look forward.”
For program details, registration, and travel information, visit