Artists and live sound engineers who aspire to the sound quality and reliability of a DPA d:fine™ Headset Microphone now have the perfect excuse to make the switch thanks to a new campaign running throughout the whole world.
DPA’s Trade Up To d:fine campaign runs from now until April 30th 2015. Anyone who buys a new DPA d:fine Headset Microphone will receive a rebate of €75 (or equivalent in local currency) provided they trade in their non-DPA headset microphone. All other headset microphones can be traded in – it doesn’t matter what make or model. Participants can also trade in as many microphones as they like provided they replace each one with a new d:fine.
“This is the ideal opportunity for people to get closer to the DPA quality and upgrade the tools they need most,” says DPA’s CEO Christian Poulsen. “Our microphones deliver the ultimate in speech reproduction, musicality and reliability. We hope to encourage more artists and sound professionals to try them because we are confident that, once they have tried them, they will never want to use anything else.”
Trusted by world-class singers, actors, broadcasters and speakers – and by houses of worship of every denomination – d:fine Headset Microphones set the acoustic standard that others emulate. Amazing sound quality, clean design are key reasons why so many people switch to DPA. They also have the durability to perform flawlessly in live situations, night after night, despite make-up, sweat, dance routines and occasional somersaults.
To receive the rebate, purchasers just need to buy any d:fine Headset Microphone between now and 30 April, 2015; complete a trade up form, which can be obtained from www.dpamicrophones.com/tradeuptodfine; send this, along with proof of purchase of a new d:fine and a non-DPA headset mic, to the local DPA distributor and receive the rebate.
Now including the recently launched d:fine In-Ear Broadcast Microphone with integrated mic and in-ear monitor, the d:fine Headset Microphone range is available in both directional and omnidirectional mics, with single- and dual-ear mounts, to cover a broad range of applications. They are also available in black, brown and beige with a variety of boom lengths and adapters for every professional wireless system.
For more information about DPA’s Trade Up To d:fine campaign, including terms and conditions, please visit www.dpamicrophones.com/tradeuptodfine or contact your local DPA dealer/distributor for full details.
About DPA
DPA Microphones is the leading Danish Professional Audio manufacturer of high quality condenser microphone solutions for professional applications. DPA’s ultimate goal is to provide you – whether you’re in live sound, recording, theater or broadcast – with the absolute finest possible microphone solutions for your tasks. DPA takes no shortcuts in the design processes nor makes any compromises in manufacturing, which is all done at the DPA factory in Denmark. As a result, DPA’s products are globally praised for their exceptional clarity and transparency, unparalleled specifications, supreme reliability, and above all, pure, uncolored and undistorted sound.
For more information, please visit www.dpamicrophones.com