Comedy Central’s “The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore” shines a satirical light on current events and pop culture. Lighting designer Christopher Landy of Vibrant Design LLC teamed with WorldStage to create a signature look for the new late-night talk show, which occupies the time slot vacated by “The Colbert Report.”
“Those were big shoes to fill – we all were conscious of that,” says Landy. “We needed to create an environment that reflected the news but allowed the comedy flow. Jim Fenhagen’s contemporary set, with a roundtable for Larry and his panel, gave us a vibe that was very similar to Meet The Press with cameras positions in each corner. This really works for comedy, the idea that the guest can sit across from each other, look each other in the eye and all have easy line of sight to Larry.”
Landy has partnered with WorldStage on more than 80 productions over the past decade so when he called vice president of lighting Terry Jackson to assemble the rig for “The Nightly Show” he knew that WorldStage would be good fit. “We had a very short load-in schedule for a job of this magnitude but we had a great team in place, great gear and a talented Lighting Designer. Everything came together very well,” Jackson notes.
Landy used Martin MAC Aura LED wash lights and MAC 101 LED moving head wash lights from above to add color and dramatic accents to the set; with Color Kinetics TRX ColorBlast scrapping the textured set walls and a compliment of Coemar Full Spectrum Reflection LEDko fixtures to help make the set pop. The incandescent rig consisted of over 140 ETC Lekos with more than 40 ARRI fresnels and soft lights for talent.
“On every level the show went well right from the first episode. We are thrilled to be a part of it and see where the show leads” Landy added.
The rigged is controlled with a first generation grandMA.
The Vibrant Design team consisted of Abigail Wells as associate lighting designer, George Gountas lighting director, Matthew Piercy programmer, Tim Donovan gaffer and Steven Hill production electrician.
WorldStage Inc., the company created by the merger of Scharff Weisberg Inc and Video Applications Inc, continues a thirty-year legacy of providing clients the widest variety of entertainment technology coupled with conscientious and imaginative engineering services. WorldStage provides audio, video and lighting equipment and services to the event, theatrical, broadcast and brand experience markets nationally and internationally.