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Yorkville Sound launches Synergy SA102, SA115S loudspeakers

Aiming to provide a smaller, lighter, more portable version of its Synergy point-source system, Yorkville has unveiled its SA102 loudspeaker and SA115S subwoofer.

Toronto, Canada (December 3, 2020)—Yorkville Sound has added to its Synergy Array Series with the new SA102 active full range loudspeaker and SA115S active subwoofer. Paired together, they create a smaller, lighter, more portable version of the Synergy point-source system.

Equipped with a 10” LF woofer and 1 HF Compression Driver, the SA102 delivers 1,200 Watts (Program) and 2,400 Watts (Peak) and provides a 7 Degrees Up, 38 Degrees Down coverage pattern. Like its predecessor, the cabinet can be turned 180 degrees from top to bottom to flip the coverage pattern. Using multiple boxes in tandem, the SA102 can provide broader coverage; for example, three put together create a 90-degree pattern, wider than previous Synergy products.

Meanwhile, the SA1153 subwoofer sports a Danley-patented 15” tapped horn, allowing it to deliver 6,400 Watts (Program) and 13,000 Watts (Peak) in a compact cabinet. The SA102 can sit secure on the sub using interlocking feet or can be raised up by connecting a speaker pole to the SA115S built-in mounts.

The Synergy Array Series first debuted at the 2019 Winter NAMM Loudspeaker Showcase. Jeff Cowling, Yorkville Sound’s vice president of Sales & Marketing, recounts, “In 2019, we created the most versatile array system of its kind; scalable in both horizontal and vertical planes, and adaptable to suit any coverage pattern needed. We wowed club owners, retailers and sound technicians with its sheer output and bass. With the new SA102 and SA115S, we deliver our most accessible Synergy System with all the brand’s signature features in a smaller footprint, that is easy to lift and transport in a mini-van.”

Yorkville Sound •

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