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Digital Signposts: Change Channels

One of today’s most challenging communications situations is enterprise restructuring.

One of today’s most challenging communications situations is enterprise restructuring. Whenever companies merge or reorganize, employees inevitably raise numerous questions about the company’s future and their place within the organization’s new structure. Maintaining clear and open channels of communication is essential during these periods of transition. Utilizing the full power of corporate visual communications channels, change agents gain an important strategy that helps maintain and grow morale in what can easily become a crisis.

Enterprise clients, especially those that have multiple campuses around the world, need a method to distribute high impact, real-time communications before rumors and misinformation can take root. The in-house network, targeting desktops, place-based screens, and mobile devices, can be effectively used to distribute a variety of timely focused content — especially by fully leveraging live town hall video presentations — in order to explain the reasons and rationale behind organization-wide transitions. Using these live productions, administrators can incorporate social media to field questions and to help clarify and underline key points. Most importantly, the interactive functionality of the network allows for a feedback loop to be established where employees can not only have their say, but also participate in surveys, share experiences, and efficiently be connected to the resource that best satisfies their concerns.

Corporate change is difficult yet commonplace, making smooth restructuring a challenging task for corporate communications professionals. However, by taking advantage of in-house digital distribution, both employees and management can make these difficult times less painful. Integrators can also play an important role by designing networks that are technically capable — supporting various content types that can all be amassed to empower the enterprise during times of transition and change.

Vern Freedlander is vice president of production services for Montréal-based X2O Media [], a full-service provider of technology, network management and content services for professional digital signage applications. With more than 20 years of broadcast television experience as a producer, director, and executive, Freedlander oversees all of X2O Media’s content initiatives. He can be reached at

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