Like many churches in recent years, Living Hope Church in Willmar, Minnesota, made the decision to upgrade their stage and house lighting. Built in the 1990s, the worship facility was relying on its original incandescent lighting system to support services, with the result being a space that was neither bright nor energy efficient. The church tapped integration company FARBER ‘Venue Transformation’ to remaster their sanctuary lighting system.
“Around 30 percent of the lighting wasn’t working, and the church had to actually leave the board on 24/7, so that it would be booted up properly to run,” said Charles Craun, FARBER’s Lighting and Production Designer.
Upgrading to LED fixtures would certainly brighten the sanctuary, but when it comes to maximizing the energy efficiency, minimizing utility costs, and delivering reliable control, finding the right power control and distribution solution is vital. To reap the benefits LED lighting provides, fixtures must be completely powered down — not left in standby mode or dimmed to zero. To ensure that life of their new system with simple power control, the company selected LynTec.
For years installers and lighting designers like FARBER have relied on LynTec’s flagship RPC breaker and RPCR relay panels. LynTec intelligent panels do more than provide power control to AV systems, including setup, sequencing, and zone control. Because LynTec solutions support DMX and sACN within the same panels, FARBER was able to deliver a cost-efficient, reliable, and comprehensive power control system with the LCP Series Lighting Control Panel.
With the LCP, FARBER’s Design Engineer Cory Deming, was able to propose an electrical and control design that was flexible and cost-effective. The stage lighting package specified by Craun included 16 Chauvet Ovation P-56VW LED PAR fixtures, a Chauvet Ovation E-910 FC LED ellipsoidal, Chauvet Ovation 25-50deg zoom with a custom template, two Chauvet Ovation Rêve R-3 LED multicolor ellipsoidals, Chauvet Ovation 26-degree lens, along with custom cross gobo and holder. While a Chamsys QuickQ-30 lighting controller takes care of event lighting, a Q-Rack handles house light control and entry stations as well as preset stage looks.
For house lighting, FARBER installed 26 Environmental Lights REVI downlights and REVI XL1 light engines with 16 REVI Drive XL 4-Channel DMX-controlled power supplies. There are also 35 Environmental Lights 6-inch round lensed sloped ceiling/wall washes with REVI XL1 engines.
“The expanded capabilities that LynTec offers allows Living Hope to be able to use their own system rather than having to bring in other equipment during events,” said Deming. “It also gave them a lot more control. They can fire the dimmers up and down or do the same with the moving lights as needed. If you don’t want your moving lights running 24/7 — which you don’t — the volunteer crew can just have the LynTec panel shut those off. This saves energy to cool the space, power to have the fixtures in standby, maintenance by not sucking in dust unnecessarily – all of which significantly increases the life of their fixtures. It’s a great match.”