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Analog Devices receives awards

Analog Devices received the Lewis Winner award for Outstanding Paper and the Journal for Solid State Circuit Best Paper award from the International Solid-State

Analog Devices receives awards

Nov 1, 1999 12:00 PM,
Cindy Holst

Analog Devices received the Lewis Winner award for Outstanding Paper andthe Journal for Solid State Circuit Best Paper award from the InternationalSolid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC). The awards were presented to RobertAdams, Khiem Nguyen and Karl Sweetland for the paper “A 113 dB SNROversampling DAC with Segmented Noise-Shaped Scrambling” and DavidRobertson and Todd Brooks for their paper “A Cascaded Sigma-Delta PipelineA/D Converter with 1.25 MHz Signal Bandwidth and 89 dB SNR,” respectively.

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