March 2001
Nathaniel Hecht, editor
How Will it Affect Us?…
A Loan at Last
J. Tol Broome
Ask 10 small business owners to tell you the most frustrating aspect of running their businesses, and it’s likely that at least eight of them will say, “Financing.” Find out how your small business can get a loan without all the hassle….
Industry Notes
Elizabeth Price
Stay on top of what’s happening in the sound and video contracting industry….
What’s New
What’s New Spotlight and Installation Products
Find descriptions of video and audio products from a wide variety of manufacturers….
Compiled by Elizabeth Price
Should you be attending these meetings, conferences and training sessions?…
Main Features
Real Coverage, Part 1
Rick Kamlet
How to Design Better Sounding Business Music Systems. The first in a two-part series focusing on designing business sound systems that meet the needs of an increasingly audio-savvy public…
Positive Projections
Selecting the Appropriate Projector for Your Boardroom. Projector purchasing, room design, lift possibilities in the boardroom: Explore your options in video projector technology, mounting, installation and integration….
Conference Audio Systems Design
Michael Pocino
Ever had to sit througha conference where you heard more audio feedback than feedback from your coworkers? In this article: How to avoid these technical problems with teleconferencing….
The Long-Term Perspective & the Value of Life-Cycle Revenue
Alan Kruglak
You must acquire and retain clients to be successful. Kruglak explores the benefits of life cycle revenue in an excerpt from his new book….
A Work In Progress
Eddie Ciletti
Ciletti interviews director of engineering Aram Friedman for a behind-the-scenes look into the Rose Center for Earth and Space at New York’s American Museum of Natural History….
Installation Profiles
Xavier Cintas Center
E. Victor Brown
Xavier University’s $46 million sports center uses high-quality A/V everywhere, from the arena floor to conference and dining rooms….
Video Projections
Peter Putman, CTS
Peter Putman’s Video Projections Column: Flat Matrix Displays Present a Challenge for Color Analyzers….
Clean Signals
A Successful Meeting
Bill Whitlock
Bill Whitlock solves the noise challenges that are unique to presentations in hotel ballrooms and large meeting rooms….
Feedback Forum
Hear what our readers have to say about recent S&VC articles. We want to know what you think. Write to us yourself, using the e-mail link on this page….
Mounting Options for Corporate Boardrooms
Patricia Palmer, Premier Mounts
Advantages of Lifts, Selecting a Lift, and Installation and Integration in this sidebar to George Walter’s article….
NSCA Update
Wilson Appointed Consortium President….
Installation Profile Web Exclusive
Elizabeth Price
Myrio and Grant County PUD The Grant County Public Utility District (Ephrata, Washington) has an agreement with Myrio Corporation. Myrio will install…