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New Security Session Added

Response to Current Events THE RECENT TERRORIST attacks on America have affected everyone and have caused some trend shifts in the electronic systems

New Security Session Added

Nov 1, 2001 12:00 PM

Response to Current Events

THE RECENT TERRORIST attacks on America have affected everyone and have caused some trend shifts in the electronic systems industry. Many building owners and managers have become more concerned about the safety of their buildings. To help systems integrators manage the increased demand for more advanced security, a special session has been added to the NSCA Fall Business Conference, taking place November 7-10, 2001, at the Hyatt Regency Islandia in San Diego, California.

Richard Chace, executive director of the Security Industry Association, unveils what lies ahead for the electronic systems industry. The session titled, “The New Demand for Security,” will focus on both new technology demands and economic shifts.

“Decreased spending across the travel and entertainment sectors has really hurt our economy, so much so that we are now in the midst of what most experts consider a recession,” said Chuck Wilson, NSCA executive director.

“This may not necessarily hurt our industry, however, since we will inevitably see an increase in government spending and alternate methods of conducting business, such as videoconferencing.”

The agenda for the meeting included reports from the committee’s three task forces: research and trends, outreach and image development, and workforce development. Each group discussed activity proposals, most notably a series of research projects available only to NSCA manufacturer members.

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