Peerless’ New OneMount Serves Flatpanel Screens from 23in. to 84in.
Nov 20, 2006 2:39 PM
Peerless Industries introduced its new OneMount flatpanel wall modular mount (ONE-TP models) for LCD and plasma screens designed to provide installers with one product that accommodates screens from 23in. to 84in., weighing up to 250lbs. Its flexibility and versatility enable professional installers to use one product for any application.
“The OneMount is an exciting, versatile new solution that can hold either a small LCD screen or expand to support a large flat panel screen easily and simply,” says Derrik Lam, director of mounting solutions for Peerless Industries. “This mount eliminates complications with the wrong product ordered to the site and enables commercial AV installers to use one mount for multiple screen sizes, or even various screen orientations, at the job site.”
“This product is so versatile,” Lam says, “even the wall studs don’t have to be centered for the screen to be perfectly placed.” The mount features a continuous rail design that enables screen positioning across the entire length of the mount, making side-to-side adjustment easy for ideal screen positioning or centered wall placement.”
Availability and Pricing
Peerless’ new OneMount flatpanel modular mount (ONE-TP) is available as of Nov. 1 at a list price of $250. For more information about full line of professional-grade mounting solutions from Peerless, visit or call (800) 865-2112.