Ensemble Designs BrightEye NXT 430-X
Aug 18, 2014 7:57 PM
Ensemble Designs’ BrightEye NXT 430-X is the latest in the company’s line of compact routers. Adding up/down/cross conversion, the BrightEye NXT 430-X converts various high-definition and standard-definition content to a common format to be routed seamlessly to HDMI and SDI destinations. The router also upconverts standard definition source to high definition as part of the routing process and cross converts from one HD format to another with the selection of an output format that routes the SMPTE broadcast resolution source to a given destination. The unit’s conversion features are in addition to standard features found in the router’s family, including direct cuts, dissolves, router salvos, clean and quiet switching of HDMI and SDI sources, audio level and channel assignment on an input-by-input basis, built-in Web server for control and set up from virtually anywhere with any Web browser-enabled device, and full-motion LCD display on the front panel.