LYNDONVILLE, N.Y. — June 30, 2020 — Digital Alert Systems, the global leader in emergency communications solutions for media providers, today announced the availability of Version 4.2 of its Emergency Alert System (EAS) software. Now supporting the company’s award-winning DASDEC™-II or One-Net™ SE EAS devices, Version 4.2 includes important new features and improvements that expand the security measures already built into the software. Version 4.2 is available at a reduced price through Digital Alert Systems’ Price Relief Program, which has been extended through Sept. 7.
“In these challenging days, a strong system for alerting and warning the public has never been more essential for broadcasters and cable providers,” said Bill Robertson, vice president of business development, Digital Alert Systems. “That’s why we’ve made several key security enhancements in our Version 4 offering. As the second major upgrade to Version 4 since its release, Version 4.2 gives our customers the tools they need for compliance and advanced operations. It’s ideal for all of our DASDEC-II and One-Net SE customers, but particularly those who have not yet upgraded to Version 4.”
The Version 4.2 software adds further communications protocols for EAS-Net™, Digital Alert Systems’ exclusive communications protocol software that enables EAS data and audio transmission over a TCP/IP network for up to eight EAS-Net-compatible platforms. In addition, Version 4.2 includes extensive new features that ease the path for customers to manage the security certificates and key pairs for secure network connections. The software now provides a host of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) HTTPS certificate management functions that allow authorized users to perform several key/certificate pair functions, such as selecting the web server certificate, adding new cert (.crt file) and key (.key file) certificates, selecting different certificates, and deleting a certificate. Users can now easily load and/or delete their own key/cert pairs for enhanced security.
In addition, Version 4.2 adds separate control toggles that allow users to control digital signatures selectively from various Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) servers, with improved logging between servers to give users more information about the CAP files. The new version also includes communications improvements for users of Digital Alert Systems’ Homogenous Alert Overseer (HALO), a highly specialized management system for providing enterprisewide command of all EAS devices in a connected organization.
Any DASDEC-II or One-Net SE customer running Version 4.0 or 4.1 can now download the Version 4.2 upgrade at no charge. (Registered customers will receive an email with credentials.) For customers who have not yet upgraded to Version 4, the Digital Alert Systems’ Price Relief Program offers a discount off the normal upgrade fee, ranging from 20% to 60%, now extended through Sept. 7 (only $396 for each DASDEC-II or One-Net SE device).
Robertson added, “Version 4.2 proves once again that Digital Alert Systems is the recognized leader in EAS/CAP messaging tools for the CATV, IPTV, radio, television, and EOC markets. The new software shows our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and delivering value for all of our customers, from small, low-power operators to the largest cable providers and broadcasters. And, with the strong response we’ve had so far to the Price Relief Program and the continuing unsettled environment, it makes sense to extend the promotion so that even more of our customers can upgrade their systems at tremendous savings.”
More information about the Digital Alert Systems Version 4.2 software is available by email at support@digitalalertsystems.com or by calling +1 585 765 1155.
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About Digital Alert Systems
Digital Alert Systems is the leading innovator of next-generation Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) and Emergency Alert Systems (EAS) for radio and television broadcasters. In 2009, Digital Alert Systems merged with Monroe Electronics, whose EAS products are the widely accepted standard for CATV. From its headquarters in Lyndonville, New York, Digital Alert Systems provides R&D, manufacturing, sales, and customer service for all Digital Alert Systems, Monroe Electronics One-Net™ brands and maintains its hard-earned reputation for quality, reliability, and service to valued customers around the world.
More information is available at www.digitalalertsystems.com.
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Link to Word Doc: www.wallstcom.com/DigitalAlertSystems/200630Digital_Alert_Systems-EAS_V4.2-DASDEC_and_One-Net.docx
Photo Link: www.wallstcom.com/DigitalAlertSystems/Digital_Alert_Systems-EAS_V4.2-DASDEC_and_One-Net.jpg
Photo Caption: Digital Alert Systems launches Version 4.2 of its software for DASDEC™-II or One-Net™ SE EAS devices.