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Integrators rely on RF Venue® wireless audio essentials in houses of worship

— “In every case, we start with RF Venue®”; “RF Venue just helps you win”; “RF Venue has always delivered” – comments indicative of how RF Venue essentials are fundamental to growing numbers of integrators who are standardizing on RF Venue antennas and RF distribution hardware to deliver reliable, dropout-free wireless microphone and IEM performance to their house-of-worship clients —

Walpole, MA, USA — Integrators are seeing increased demand for new or expanded wireless audio systems in houses of worship, and today’s crowded RF environment complicates satisfying that need. However, a growing list of integrators have discovered that they can deliver the channel counts and dependable performance their house-of-worship clients demand, regardless of system brand or model, by relying on the innovative product line of RF Venue, the leading global provider of wireless audio essentials including best-in-class antennas and RF signal distribution systems.

“RF Venue has become so vital because churches are wanting more and more wireless microphones, and we are having to get strategic and creative in how to deploy them,” says Andre Grandpre, Operations Manager at Oklahoma-based media solutions integrator Sound in Church, a firm with a solid track record of solving wireless audio issues for its client churches. “In every case, we start with RF Venue,” says Grandpre. “There really is no RF situation where I don’t deploy RF Venue gear now. It’s become standard for us.”

While many manufacturers of wireless microphone and IEM systems make antennas and distribution hardware, “they always felt like afterthoughts,” Grandpre says. Not so with RF Venue’s wireless audio essentials. For instance, Grandpre notes, RF Venue’s DISTRO series of RF distribution amplifiers not only unify receivers to a single antenna, but they also “boost the signal, make it stronger, make it cleaner,” along with neatly providing DC power to receivers, eliminating wall wart power supplies. Another example he cites is the patented cross-polarized Diversity Fin® Antenna, which delivers true diversity performance from a single unit and provides “better reception, no matter which way your microphone is oriented. That has been a huge help.” As Sound in Church has increased its reach into neighboring states and beyond, Grandpre says, “What’s great about RF Venue is we know that the gear is going to work no matter where we are.”

Alongside the gear, “RF Venue has added more useful tools to the website that make my job as an integrator easier and faster,” says Grandpre. “And the sales support has been phenomenal. On top of that, they offer seminars where we were able to educate our entire installation staff on proper RF deployment, and on what the common issues are and how to resolve them.”

“As a system designer and an integrator,” Grandpre concludes, I’m constantly looking for reliable equipment that I can deploy over and over again with consistent results. That’s a really big ask for most of my vendors. I can happily say that RF Venue has always delivered every time we’ve needed them to.”

Through a decade of business, Lexington, Kentucky-based firm HouseRight has grown as a house-of-worship solutions provider, now having more than 50 employees across nine states. “Part of selecting RF Venue,” states Zach Lahm, who works in Church Relations at HouseRight, “is because their solutions work with any brand, any product line” of wireless mic and IEM systems. Another “of the wonderful things about RF Venue is they have scalable solutions that have worked great for us, regardless of the system size and even the system needs,” says Lahm.

Lahm lauds RF Venue’s ability to reliably ship from stock: “It’s nice from a system specification standpoint, that in a climate where the supply chain is challenging and we’re not necessarily 100% certain of what will be available, we know their RF management solution will always be available.”

“Whether it’s for a fixed insulation or even portable church, we understand that RF cleanliness and interference affects a church,” Lahm concludes. “We love that RF Venue has multiple solutions that can help us find the right fit for a church regardless of the situation.”

Jessey Foster, owner/lead AVL designer at Florida-based system design and install firm Uniti Designs, describes RF Venue as “industry disruptors; they’re really forward thinking. They have something for every situation.” Houses of worship make up a major share of Uniti’s business, where, he says, “We use the RF Venue DISTROs for the wireless mics. We use COMBINEs for their IEMS. We use the Diversity Fin and CP Beam Antennas a lot. We’re probably going to be spec’ing RF Venue in-line bandpass filters on any builds over eight microphones. And we’ve used the 4ZONE multi-zone antenna combiners.”

“My clients, especially my house of worship clients,” Foster continues, “want their areas to be as distraction-free as possible.” The latest antennas in RF Venue’s line – the Architectural Series – are helping fulfill that goal. “When you put them on a wall or you put them in a ceiling,” he enthuses, “they just disappear.”

“RF Venue just helps you win,” he concludes. “That’s what it comes down to.”

Diversity Fin Antenna
CP Beam Antenna
Antenna Distribution
4ZONE Multi-Zone Antenna Combiner
IEM Transmitter Combiners
In-line Bandpass Filters
Sound in Church
Uniti Designs

Photo caption: House-of-worship technology firm HouseRight relies on wireless audio essentials from RF Venue to deliver its HoW clients flawless mic and IEM performance, like this mic rack housing a COMBINE 8 for combining wireless IEM transmitter outputs to feed an RF Venue CP Beam Antenna

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