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Christie TVC-700 Display Wall Processor

The TVC-700 display wall processor is PC-based and built for 24/7 control room environments.

Christie TVC-700 Display Wall Processor

Jan 28, 2013 9:49 PM

Christie TVC-700 Display Wall Processor

Christie has introduced the TVC-700 display wall processor, which is PC-based and built for 24/7 control room environments. Using the PCIe bus architecture, it provides ample graphics and processing power to support multiple inputs and outputs. With simultaneous support for hardwareaccelerated 3D applications and ultrahigh- resolution outputs, it can handle 3D content such as CAD/CAM modeling and data visualization. It comes bundled with Christie MasterSuite software, with WallManager and MediaManager programs to help make tiled videowall displays respond as a single, ultra-high-resolution Windows desktop. Price: NA Availability: Now

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