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Fourier Audio Reveals transform.suite ’25

New live annual plugin collection for the transform.engine brings together a powerful and comprehensive sonic palette of over 70 plugins from the world’s top studio processing developers

When Fourier Audio’s transform.engine began shipping to sound reinforcement companies and touring engineers last year, it was widely heralded as the premier platform for reliably bringing VST3-native studio plugins to live productions. At this year’s NAMM Show, that product becomes even more full-featured, not just with the recent launch of v1.2 software offering Cuelists, but with the news that the transform.engine now offers a companion software bundle, known as the transform.suite ’25, that brings together more than 70 plugins from the world’s top studio processing developers.

Sold on an annual license, the inaugural transform.suite ’25 includes a curated selection of the very best plugins for live productions from 10 revered partners, including:

Baby Audio – including the Crystalline reverb
Eventide – including the H3000 Factory Mk II effects processor
Harrison – including the 32Classic Channel Strip
oeksound – including Soothe Live, the low-latency version of oeksound’s dynamic resonance suppressor, Soothe, brought to the transform.engine for the first time
Plugin Alliance – including the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor and SPL Transient Designer Plus
Slate Digital – including a wide range of modules from their award-winning Virtual Mix Rack collection
Solid State Logic – including the 4K E channel strip, and the Sourcerer expander/isolator
sonible – including true:level, true:balance and pure:verb
tc electronic – including the award winning VSS3 and VSS4 reverbs, and the ITU BS.1770-3 loudness meter from System 6000
Universal Audio – including the Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveling Amplifier, Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb, and Pultec Passive EQs

Upon purchase from Fourier Audio online, the wide array of plugins in the transform.suite ’25 are immediately installed and licensed onto the user’s transform.engine with a single button click, eliminating any worries about monthly subscription management or the complexities of navigating different plugin licensing platforms.

transform.suite ’25 has been carefully curated in a process coordinated by Fourier Audio CCO Gareth Owen to bring together an all-star lineup of go-to gold-standard plugins for a diverse range of live sound applications, from tours and festivals to churches, theaters, broadcast settings, and more,” says Fourier Audio CTO Peter Bridgman. “The plugins in the suite are fixed for each year, meaning that you can have confidence that if a transform.engine has the transform.suite ’25 installed, you’ll know exactly what you’ll have to work with, wherever you are – perfect for spec’ing on a rider!”

DiGiCo Managing Director Austin Freshwater adds, “It will be refreshing for engineers to know that if they add one line to their rider requesting transform.suite ’25, they will arrive and have all the plugins they need installed and ready. De-risking using plugins in the live environment is what Fourier Audio is all about.”

For owners of multiple transform.engines, larger inventories are easily managed with the new transform.suite ’25. The online portal allows customers to simply track and move licenses between engines to ensure an installation standard across a fleet of units.

Fourier Audio’s transform.suite ’25 retails for $699 (USD) for a 12-month license.

For more details on transform.suite ’25, visit

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