Drum and bass legend, in-demand remixer and Hospital Records artist Matt Gresham (also known as Logistics) has bought a pair of PMC twotwo.6 nearfield monitors for his own studio. The new speakers have been used for all of the mixing and mastering Gresham has done over the last few months in preparation for a new Logistics album.
“I’ve been working mainly from home for a while now, apart from vinyl mastering which I still have done externally,” explains Gresham from his Cambridge studio. “The twotwos have been a real pleasure to work on since I got them.”
Gresham sought out the PMCs after a few months of dissatisfaction with the mixes he was making on his previous nearfields, and a mastering session with Stuart Hawkes at Metropolis where he realised what his mix sounded like on a pair of PMC’s BB5 XBD-As. He began to look into using some PMCs that were a more suitable size for his small studio, and auditioned a pair of twotwo.6s. “I just remember being blown away by the clarity and the detail,” he comments. “The crazy thing was the lack of distortion and their transparency.
“A lot of people use flattering speakers in the studio. That’s great for getting some excitement going while you’re writing, but if you’re mixing as you build a track, which is how I prefer to do it, you could find that you can’t get your final mixes the way you want them to sound. Now I know that I’m getting a true picture of a track as I build it, and I find things just slot into the mix easier as I’m going along. With the old monitors, I would often do a mix, leave it, come back to it, and find myself endlessly tweaking. That’s happening less and less with these; it’s a lot more fun to make music, and when I reference on other systems or when DJing, I’m happy with what I’m producing here. I also find that I’m able to work really long hours on them as well, and that my ears don’t get fatigued in the way that they would with the old monitors.”
Aside from the forthcoming solo album, Gresham is currently collaborating separately with Hugh Hardy and Maduk, working with his brother Dan on another of their joint NuLogic releases, and also with his other brother Nick (of Other Echoes), all the while continuing to remix artists such as Etherwood and Andreya Triana.
Gresham is also working with other vocalists for his own album, and unlike previous vocal recording sessions, all the work so far has been done in his studio.
“We discussed using the vocals as demos and re-recording them at a bigger studio, but in the end what we captured here sounds great, and has been another really enjoyable experience with the PMCs,” he explains. “When you’ve got a vocalist in, you really want to know that the take you’ve got is going to be the one that you end up using… the detail in these speakers is fantastic for that.”
Gresham adds that recording on his new PMC’s has been really enjoyable.
“Within the first two weeks, I wrote the most absurdly loud track, which came out sounding so huge – and I hadn’t even really tried to do that!” he says. “It still has all the frequencies — you know, in the past, I might thin some of that out while building a track, so that there’s still room in the spectrum for a big bass. But I didn’t need to use any heavy EQ with the PMCs. And the track has still got that clarity. Right from that point, I had confidence in them.”
About PMC
PMC is a UK-based, world-leading manufacturer of loudspeaker systems, the tools of choice in all ultra-critical professional monitoring applications, and also for the discerning audiophile at home, where they provide a transparent window into the recording artist’s original intentions. PMC products use the best available materials and design principles, including the company’s proprietary Advanced Transmission Line (ATL™) bass-loading technology, cutting-edge amplification and advanced DSP techniques to create loudspeakers that present sound and music exactly as it was when first created, with the highest possible resolution, and without coloration or distortion. For more information on our clients and products, see www.pmc-speakers.com.