EU-funded project reaches final phase of exploration of 5G and virtualization in broadcast production
Oslo, Norway, 23 March 2022 – The participants of 5G-VIRTUOSA, the EU-funded project exploring 5G and virtualization in broadcast production, announced today that it has concluded the 3rd and final phase of the project. That phase added international, multi-location 5G connectivity to the distributed live production system established in previous phases.
The EU-funded project was established to explore 5G and virtualization in broadcast production. The main project participants are: Nevion AS (Norway), Mellanox Technologies LTD (Israel), and LOGIC media solutions GmbH (Germany). The project also involved a number of companies, most notably Media Broadcast GmbH (Germany), which provided special support with its 5G campus network for the third phase.
This final phase of the project built on phase 2, adding an international element in the form of a contribution feed from the UK and, most importantly, 5G connectivity. It involved “events” in 3 remote locations, produced centrally. One of the locations is connected by fiber (i.e. similar to phase 2), while the other 2 locations (Adastral Park, near Ipswich, UK, and Nauen, near Berlin, Germany) feature 5G-connected cameras and Internet contribution (for Ipswich). The production resources, including the vision switcher, were located in Frankfurt (Germany), where the feeds were collected. However, the actual production control took place remotely in Nauen.
This phase of this project demonstrated the feasibility of such set-ups in live production and collected valuable technical information and experience about the use of 5G.
Andy Rayner, Chief Technologist at Nevion and 5G-VIRTUOSA spokesperson commented: “Subsequent to a highly successful first two phases, we’re delighted to have played a key role in the integration of multi-location 5G connectivity to help transform the way that live production is handled. Lower latency and increased flexibility are key advantages that will benefit organizations moving forward.”
The 5G-VIRTUOSA team have described the project’s phase 3 and its conclusions in a recorded webinar, which can be viewed on the 5G-VIRTUOSA website: https://5g-virtuosa.eu/webinar-5g-conclusions/.
A short video of summarizing phase 3 and looking to the relevance to the future of the broadcast industry can also be found here: https://5g-virtuosa.eu/phase-3-video/
The 5G-VIRTUOSA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 866656.