Many factory floors have high background noise, often up to 90 Db and above. Broadcasting alerts and announcements over a PA system will likely be unheard or garbled. Digital signage displays are more informative but are expensive, take up real estate, and require AC power.
Enter Lumalert, a simpler, versatile solution for visual alerts in high-noise environments. Its 18” LED light bar is controlled over an Ethernet network. More than a flashing light, the programmable colors inform the kind of alert, such a white for fire, red for a stoppage, green for all clear, blue for shift change, orange for a general announcement, and so on. Employees can respond or view signage for more information.
Lumalert fixtures can be installed just about anywhere; over a 2-gang box or surface-mount. No power supplies needed, just connect to a Power Over Ethernet network.
How does a Lumalert system work? An AV integrator can install a control solution that can trigger alerts from a touchscreen, Web page, or control panel, and can also respond to inputs from the site’s fire/emergency system. Want to know more? Contact us at sales@crwww, 972-931-2728, or our Contemporary Research website.