What’s Happening on All Voices
Nov 6, 2014 5:28 PM
If you haven’t visited InfoComm’s thought-leadership blog, All Voices, here is what you have been missing.
Trust Me: Document Everything: How can you know if an AV system performs the way it’s supposed to unless you document everything about that system prior to flipping the switch? Documentation—whether for an AV system or a business process—need not mean a mountain of paperwork. But done right (and thoroughly), documentation pays dividends.
AV and IT Technology-in-Arms: Are you worried about how AV/IT convergence might affect your future as an AV professional? Josh Srago breaks down the terms of this engagement in his latest All Voices post, suggesting that, rather than being at odds, the industries stand to benefit and learn from each other.
The Great (Urban) Outdoors: With more of the world’s population settling in cities, someone needs to come up with a good, efficient, won’t-break-the-bank way of taking digital signage to the streets. Bright, outdoor solutions have often come at a cost. But what about “semi-outdoor” solutions?
Read the full posts and share your thoughts on the All Voices Blog, visit http://bit.ly/ICAllVoices.