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trade shows


On The Circuit

This month’s issue is heavily focused on houses of worship, so it’s a good time to bring up a project I’m working on with my colleagues at Mix. We’re...


InfoComm Live 2015

InfoComm Live will take place at the Catamaran Resort in San Diego. Pack your bags for Feb. 25-26, 2015, for an open discussion of best (and worst) sales practices,...


Studio Gear Takes the Stage

The migration of studio engineers into the live- and installed-sound worlds means many of them are taking their favorite mics with them on stage.


Open a New World of Standards Resources

Developed by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, in a collaborative effort with InfoComm, this free resource allows you to sort standards by region, topic and industry role, and more.


Connect With a Mentor

InfoComm offers a mentor program for AV pros to help give them the needed guidance to further their careers.


AV on a Global Scale

The 2014 Market Definition and Strategy Study, conducted on behalf of InfoComm, projects that AV products and services will be a $114 billion global industry by 2016.


The Big Picture

The Rental Staging Roadshow held in Manhattan was a lively day of panels, presentations, gear exhibits, and networking for a couple hundred industry professionals.

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