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Audio Toys expands distribution

Audio Toys, part of the ATI Group, has expanded its international distribution. Canadian distribution is handled by Cabletek Electronics, British Columbia.

Audio Toys expands distribution

May 1, 2000 12:00 PM,
Cindy Holst

Audio Toys, part of the ATI Group, has expanded its internationaldistribution. Canadian distribution is handled by Cabletek Electronics,British Columbia. In South America, ATI is using the services of SGInternational, Waldwick, NJ. EAG handles England and Ireland, and AudioConsulting covers all of Italy, Belgium and Portugal. Other appointmentsinclude Best Audio Dispatch for France and Audio Network AM Kiesberg5 forGermany, Switzerland and Denmark. Finland is handled by Lightinen LightSound and Image. The Otaritec Corporation covers Japan.

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