Earlier this week, we reported on Boston Dynamics bidding farewell to its beloved Atlas robot. Atlas had entertained viewers for years with its impressive parkour skills, dancing, charm, and the occasional comical failure. Now that the Atlas we knew is enjoying retirement, Boston Dynamics has revealed its successor: the “all new Atlas.” Confusing naming conventions aside, Boston Dynamics says that this fully-electric robot is designed for “real-world applications.”
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It certainly looks like a step up in technology from the previous version, with the company stating that the new Atlas is stronger and capable of a broader range of motion than previous models. Boston Dynamics is positioning the new Atlas for applications in labs and manufacturing plants. A partnership with Hyundai has been revealed, in which “the Hyundai team is building the next generation of automotive manufacturing capabilities, and it will serve as a perfect testing ground for new Atlas applications.”
Watch the official reveal of the new Atlas above, in which the robot stands up in a way that I can only describe as “unsettling” before briefly glancing into the camera with its eerie, blank “face.”