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Casino Rebuilds With Robust AV

Deftly staying afloat amid the aftermath of Katrina, a New Orleans systems integrator works quickly to build a sprawling surveillance system for a rebuilding casino.


Q & A: Sports Bar Project

I'm currently working on a sports bar project where the owner wants to install a distributed audio system that allows customers to select the content they want to listen...


Katye Schmoldt

director, The EDGE Group, San Leandro, CA. The EDGE Group is a buying group for AV distributors in the custom installation market. The group offers ISF training and other...


Identity Crisis

In case you missed it, there's been a dust storm centered on AV credentials and certification programs among the various industry trade groups.


The Resolution Revolution

Larger video display pixel counts mean smaller text on the screen. This trend could make our old design rules obsolete ? and put more responsibility on the end-user.


Herding Light

By manipulating light waves, photonic crystals improve the efficiency of AV technologies such as LEDs.


LCD displays

LCD displays LCD displays Planar Systems has released the 37-inch PD370 (pictured here), 42-inch PD420 and 47-inch PD470 1080p LCD flat-panel displays, which are designed for custom installation applications....


Q & A: Surround Sound Auditorium

We're designing a multipurpose auditorium that will also be used for film presentations. Our client wants to have surround sound from a DVD player at the stage and in...


5-Minute Interview: Howard Lichtman

Telepresence is a visual collaboration solution that addresses human factors to better improve end-user acceptance over and above what can be achieved with traditional videoconferencing.


A $1.5 Million Lesson In Acoustics

In September, a school board in Fairview Heights, IL, voted to sue the architectural firm that designed the school's new $1.5 million multipurpose concrete dome building, which houses a...


In-Ear Monitors

In-ear monitor (IEM) systems can assist in preventing hearing damage, but they aren't foolproof protection.

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