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I Want My IPTV

Each day, the YouTube website serves up more than 70 million videos, most of them homemade. Much of the appeal is having access to a wide variety of content...


Can You Hear Me Now?

Most loudspeakers are designed to throw sound as far and wide as possible without compromising audio quality. Parametric speakers are one of the exceptions.


Theater Adds Dramatic Sound

To compete for audience attention these days, live theaters have realized the importance of investing in AV technology to keep up with other entertainment venues.


AV System Improves Sightlines

With his AV integration firm on state term contract in Ohio, Nicolas Santoro was thrilled last year when he finally got a chance to ?earn his stripes? with one...


Crucial AV Software Tools

It's conceivable that with AV software tools you could design an entire building, install a complex AV system, configure individual spaces for optimal acoustics, and present the client with...


Consultant’s Forum: Digital Audio Networks

Digital audio networking has recently become more mainstream, with several viable options now available from established suppliers. Although it hasn't yet fully replaced analog signal distribution, many leading audio...


Snake Eyes

Fiber optic cables that detect light and touch aim to take interactivity to the next level.


Rolls MA2355

Peer Reviewed by Gary L. Zandstra: Rolls MA2355 stereo mixer/amplifier; Price: $320 MSRP


Q & A: Sending AV Signals

We'd like to transmit audio and video from our church services from the main sanctuary to rooms around our campus. However, although not every room has coaxial cable, every...



Does ?do-it-yourself? have a place in the world of pro AV? On more than one occasion I've recently spoken to someone I assume is an integrator, and in discussing...


IEM Lawsuits Waiting To Happen?

Maybe it was inevitable that a Louisiana iPod owner is suing Apple for hearing damage allegedly caused by the device's earbuds and their ?lack? of adequate warnings. Is it...


Capitalizing On HD Content Delivery

Delivering customized, targeted high-definition video content ? programming and advertising ? to audiences all over the world is the mission of the new Managed Media Services division recently launched...


Infocomm 2006

Although InfoComm has transitioned to an applications show, there were plenty of interesting product introductions.


Which Pin Is Hot?

The polarity debate was settled long ago. Here are some caveats regarding the proper polarization of sound system components.


Ball Of Sound

Are soccer fields the only place you'll see triangular-faceted icosahedrons? For now, yes, but those shapes could begin appearing in concert halls and movie theatres in the form of...

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