Sascha Hach from Google with the Wearable Revolabs HD Wireless Microphone on his sweater. Andrew Davis, Senior Partner at Wainhouse Research, on right also wearing Revolabs wireless microphone.
Featured Articles
The Wire
AUDIX Debuts the OMX Series of Handheld Dynamic Mics — Purpose-Built for Different Singers and Gigs
“Between the OMX-E, OMX-M, and OMX-T, every type of vocalist is sure to find their ideal mic.”
The Wire
Nearly 500 Martin Audio speakers help bring Tulleys Farm Christmas Light Festival to life
Based in Crawley, Sussex, Tulleys Farm turns into a seasonal theme park in the Autumn and Winter months. It’s then that they promote an evolving programme of festivals and...
The Wire
Q. Robinson Drums the Heartbeat of Hamilton with AUDIX Mics
“The beautiful thing about AUDIX is that you really don’t hear the microphone — you hear what it’s amplifying. It’s like the mic disappears and gets out of your...
The Wire
Histibe Transforms Sounds of Oppression into Tools of Expression with Rycote Mics
“As far as I know, there are no other brands making something on this level.”
The Wire
SoundTube Launches New US-Made CM-BGM In-Ceiling Speakers
Four models kick-off the new line of BAA-compliant speakers