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PRG Audio And JBL Vertec® Line Arrays Power Toyota Concert Series On NBC‘s Today Show

In a demonstration of the power and versatility of JBL VERTECA® line arrays before a national audience, PRG Audio has provided the live sound reinforcement for NBC’s “Toyota Concert Series On TODAY,”? airing throughout the summer on the network’s TODAY Show. This year, the Concert Series has featured performances by Alicia Keys, Sheryl Crow, Miley Cyrus and many more. The most recent Concert Series segment on August 29 featured performances by the Pussycat Dolls (“When I Grow Up”?) and Katy Perry (“I Kissed A Girl”?).

The performances have been staged outdoors at Rockefeller Center in New York City, drawing thousands of fans in the early mornings. Two stages facing each other, separated approximately 200 feet apart, allow for consecutive performances by different artists. The south stage features a sound reinforcement system consisting of two ground-stacked line arrays, one per side, each containing seven JBL VERTEC VT4887ADP-AN powered compact line array loudspeakers. The north stage features two arrays of five VT4887ADP-AN loudspeakers per side. Each array is accompanied by a VT4881ADP-AN powered compact arrayable subwoofer.

As the rental system provider for the Concert Series, PRG Audio drew on its extensive experience with VERTEC products when deciding on the audio components. “We have used VERTEC for numerous projects in the past, in a range of sizes and configurations, and we felt VERTEC was a natural fit for this project as well,”? said Bob Rendon of PRG Audio. “Since the staging area is tightly situated between two buildings, we chose VERTEC because we needed a highly controllable line array system that would keep unwanted reflections to a minimum.”?

The powered compact speaker systems feature JBL’s DrivePackA® technology, a fully integrated power and DSP electronics package designed in cooperation with sister Harman companies Crown and dbx. The VT4881ADP subwoofer houses JBL’s new 2269G Ultra-Long-Excursion 460mm (18-inch) woofer. All loudspeakers include optional DPAN (DrivePack Analog) input modules that add remote control and monitoring capabilities with Harman’s HiQnetâ„¢ System Architect software. “Having the Crown power built into each speaker in the line arrays gives us more control over the system and eliminates one more step in the signal chain,”? Rendon said.

Since deploying the VERTEC system for the Toyota Concert Series On TODAY, PRG Audio has enjoyed four months of reliable sound on a live stage where there is no margin for error. “These performances are aired live across the country, so we can’t afford a mistake of any kind,”? Rendon said. “The VERTEC line arrays have helped us maintain the necessary consistency for this type of application.”?

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